
Hong Kong Academy of Medicine

10/F, HKAM Jockey Club Building, 99 Wong Chuk Hang Road, Aberdeen, Hong Kong

  Tel : (852) 2871 8888

  Fax: (852) 2505 5577

  E-mail : [email protected]

Frequently Asked Questions 

I)    General enquiries:

A2. Academy Fellows may download the answer sheet from the HKMJ webpage: or sign in to eHKAM LMS via eHKAM Portal and do the quizzes online.

A3. Firstly, to obtain a Practising Certificate and have your name included in the General Register of the Medical Council of Hong Kong / Dental Council of Hong Kong, you would need to contact the respective Council directly for details.    Here are the links to their websites  /

As for practising as a specialist in Hong  Kong, all medical practitioners who are already on the General Register could apply for inclusion in the Specialist Register via two routes -  they could either  1) apply to the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine for certification, or 2) join the relevant Academy College and become an Academy Fellow:

1) According to the Medical Registration Ordinance (MRO) and Dentists Registration Ordinance (DRO), a registered medical practitioner or dentist who wishes to have his / her name included in the Specialist Register of Medical Council of Hong Kong (MCHK) or Dental Council of Hong Kong (DCHK) must be either a Fellow of the Academy, or certified by the Academy to have training and qualification comparable [or equivalent in the case of an application under DRO] to that required of an Academy Fellow in the relevant specialty. To apply to the Academy for CSR (certification for specialist registration), please be advised of the following: 

The Academy's Education Committee will vet each application and decide whether the qualifications and supervised training of the applicant are comparable (for medical practitioners) / equivalent (for dentists) to that required of an Academy Fellow in a particular specialty. Once successful, the applicant will be recommended to MCHK or DCHK for specialist registration. 

Please take note that the Education Committee needs to consult the appropriate specialty College and seek the Academy Council's formal endorsement before making a recommendation to MCHK or DCHK. The whole process may take 2 or more months. Please click on the links below for the CSR Guidance Notes, Application Form and Fee Table.

To become a Fellow of the Academy, one must (a) have completed at least 6 years of supervised post-registration training in a manner approved by the Academy, (b) passed a relevant intermediate examination conducted by the relevant College and accredited by the Academy and (c) passed the exit examination or assessment conducted by the relevant College and accredited by the Academy.

Please note that the Academy Fellowship is by nomination only and one must be a full member of one of the 15 specialty Colleges first before he / she can be nominated.  You can contact the relevant College directly for details to become a Fellow. For contact details of the Colleges, please visit the Academy website. 

A4. No, the Academy is a postgraduate institution that looks after specialist training in Hong Kong.

A5. No, the Academy is a statutory body mainly responsible for providing training and continuing medical education for specialists in Hong Kong.

The Hospital Authority is the organisation that provides training posts in Hong Kong. Please contact them for the information you require. Their website is

II)    CME / CPD accreditation 

A1. Please send an email request to [email protected]. We can help organisers to create user accounts in the iCMECPD where you can submit the application online. Please note that all applications should be submitted to the Academy at least 21 days in advance (some Colleges / accreditors may have different submission deadlines).

A2. In general, all educational contents of a CME activity must be free from commercial influence, so as to maintain the independence and uphold the scientific values and professional standards of the activity. Please refer to the “Guidelines for handling commercial influence in CME accreditation” in the Appendix of the “Procedures and criteria for accreditation of CME activities”. CME organisers should observe the Guidelines and make declaration accordingly. The Guidelines and Declaration Form can be found here.

A3. Please update us the changes by sending an email to [email protected]. We will then inform Colleges / accreditors of the changes accordingly. 

A4. We will send the CME / CPD accreditation results summary to CME / CPD providers via email. The attendance record sheets will be sent out a week before the events commence.

III)    Fellows’ CME / CPD programme

A1. For those who join the Academy and start their first CME / CPD cycle in the middle of the year, the CME / CPD requirements are imposed on a pro-rata basis only. For example, the current 3-year cycle has started in January 2020. Those who become Fellows and start their first CME/CPD cycle in July 2020 will be required to attain a minimum of 75 points.

A2. Please send an email to [email protected] to request a declaration form. You may refer to the current CME / CPD Principles and Guidelines for more details on the exemption from CME / CPD.

A3. According to the current policy, if you reach 70 years of age before the next subscription year, your annual subscription fee will be waived in the next subscription year. 

A4. For registered medical practitioners or dentists who are not undertaking the supervised specialist training provided by Academy Colleges but wish to have their names included in the Specialist Register of the Medical Council of Hong Kong and the Dental Council of Hong Kong, they may apply to the Academy for certification. Their training and qualifications will be assessed to ensure they are comparable or equivalent to those required of Fellows of the Academy in the relevant specialty. Please refer to Specialist Registration for more details. 

A5. The goal of the CME / CPD programme is maintaining professional competence in a continuous manner — collecting credit points is only an indicator but not its primary aim. It is possible that you reach the total required within 1 or 2 years. However, Fellows are strongly encouraged to engage in appropriate CME / CPD activities every year as recommended by your College during the balance period in the 3-year cycle. After all, continuous engagement in CME / CPD every year is good professional practice that should be pursued beyond regulatory requirement.

A6. According to the Academy’s CME / CPD Principles and Guidelines, only Fellows who have retired from active practice in and outside Hong Kong or suffered from acute / prolonged illness or permanent disability can be exempted from the CME/CPD requirements. Fellows residing overseas can still fulfil the CME/CPD requirements by joining overseas CME / CPD activities provided that the knowledge and skills acquired by the Fellow are relevant to medical professional development and the activity is accredited by his / her College. 

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