Flagship and Annual Events
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- Flagship and Annual Events
Over the years, the Academy has organised and hosted diverse events to keep attendees abreast of the latest developments in healthcare policies, practices, and services in Hong Kong and around the world. The educational events, including conferences, lectures, symposia, seminars, workshops, and more, cater to the many different needs of Academy Fellows, specialist trainees, other healthcare professionals, medical students, and many more audiences.
MEC is one of the annual flagship events of the Academy, being organised annually with the support from renowned healthcare professionals, educators, trainers and experts around the globe. Plenary lectures, symposia and workshops echoing the theme are included in the programme, maintaining high standards of medical and dental professional through the embrace of different latest medical knowledges, practices and development.
The AMM–AMS–HKAM Tripartite Congress of Medicine is a large-scale conference supported by medical and dental experts, educators and researchers from Malaysia, Singapore and Hong Kong, symbolising the long-term relations built between the Academies over the years. In the Congress, guest speakers broaden participants’ views with a series of programmes relating to the latest development of medical and dental specialties in Asia regions. Healthcare professionals are also welcome to register for the Congress in Malaysia and Singapore every year.
David Todd Oration is one of the Academy’s prestigious lectures, paying tribute to and named after Professor Sir David Todd, the founding President of the Academy. The oration, since 1995, is organised every year in conjunction with the Academy’s Annual Conferment Ceremony. Outstanding specialist in the medical-related field with significant achievements and contributions is invited as the Orator of the year to share experiences and insights gained in medical aspects.
Halnan Lecture is usually held as part of the Academy’s annual or international congress. This platform provides an opportunity for medical and dental professionals to learn from experienced specialists in medical-related fields. The lecture is named after the late Dr. Keith Halnan, Chairman of the Working Party on Postgraduate Medical Education and Training, which made recommendation to the Government in 1988 on establishing the Academy by statute.
Over the years, the Academy plays a unique and prominent role in maintaining high standards of medical and dental specialists in Hong Kong through continuing medical education and continuous professional development. Every anniversary marks the milestones of the Academy and its progress steps to the betterment of health care for Hong Kong citizens.